Biden runs a strong write-in campaign and wins the New Hampshire primary

In the New Hampshire primary, President Joe Biden has emerged victorious, easing concerns among Democrats about a potential embarrassing defeat. Despite not being listed on the ballot due to New Hampshire defying the national Democratic Party’s primary calendar, Biden’s loyalists initiated an unofficial write-in campaign to demonstrate support for the incumbent president.

The victory is largely symbolic, as Biden’s decision not to register for the primary means that the results won’t yield any nominating delegates. The internal party clash over the primary calendar led to an unusually tense lead-up to the contest, with worries that Biden might struggle to generate enough enthusiasm, especially considering his challenges in exciting the Democratic base.

To address these concerns, Biden’s surrogates promoted a write-in campaign targeting Granite State Democrats and “undeclared” independents who wanted to participate in the Democratic primary. Biden himself did not actively campaign in New Hampshire, instead hosting a rally for abortion rights in northern Virginia alongside Vice President Kamala Harris.

The absence of Biden’s name on the ballot is a visible consequence of the decision to move South Carolina to the front of the primary calendar, emphasizing its diversity and its role in boosting Biden’s 2020 primary campaign. However, New Hampshire opted to schedule its primary ahead of South Carolina, creating a standoff that led the DNC to declare the results “meaningless” before any votes were cast.

While the Biden campaign views the New Hampshire win as a positive sign of enthusiasm for the president’s reelection bid, the focus remains on the race between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley. The outcome of this race, particularly if Trump secures an overwhelming victory, could signal the beginning of a rematch of the last presidential election. Haley, aware of the stakes, has sought to manage expectations among her supporters, knowing that a weak showing might spell the end of her campaign. The unfolding dynamics in the Trump-Haley contest will be closely monitored by both campaigns as they navigate the complex landscape of the 2024 election.

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